Monday, November 17, 2008

News for the Week of November 17-21

This week we continue with our unit on Plant Growth and Change. We are discussing and diagramming the Plant Life Cycle. We are also using the Montessori Botany cabinet to learn about the many shapes and varieties of leaves. We are making an art project based on tracings of leaves that we have made. When they are finished I will post pictures on the blog!

Spelling Words

Whole Class (all have a short vowel 'o')
flop cost drop frost romp shod stomp smog flock stock

Challenge Words (all have either 'y' or 'ing')
frisky selecting lucky stamping sloppy depending ornery representing perfectly grumbling

As always, please help your children understand the meanings of the words. We have already reviewed the words in class - but follow up at home is always helpful.

Mrs. Johnson

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