Monday, May 25, 2009

To you on a Sunny Monday!

Hello all,

Has it not been the most beautiful weekend in recent history?!
Hope you and your family made some time to go out and play...

This week, our spelling will be taken from a poem by Canadian poet, George Swede.
This morning our class spoke at length about the poem. We noticed that the poet uses verbs in really interesting and unexpected ways. We also noticed, that the verbs often stand alone - given a whole line to themselves. We all agreed that Mr. Swede felt they were important to the imagery of the poem. Imagine: the tulip struggles, is scorched by sun, is jolted by raindrops, is blasted by wind; but emerges victorious at the end!

The yellow tulip

For weeks
it struggled
through the hard crust
of the spring earth
and a foot
of air

Just to be
by the sun
by raindrops
by the wind

But on this gentle
May morning
as it opens
yellow petals
to the sky

Nothing else matters

Also this week, we continue our mapping unit and have been engaged in co-operative groups while we map our classroom with 'bird's eye' perspective. What fun!

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a lovely poem!