Monday, June 8, 2009

Week of June 8-12

It is with awe that I look around the classroom and realize that our school year is rapidly drawing to a close. What a fabulous year we have spent together: an incredible journey of learning and fun. With little time left there is still much to accomplish! Our busy calendar includes walking field trips to Garden City Park, and SouthArm Swimming Pool, as well as a trip to the Beach for all the primary students, Sport's Day, the Recognition Assembly, and a Band Concert presentation.
In between all this busy-ness we will keep on learning about our local geography and community, as well as geometric shapes and solids. Our study of the Solar system is winding down, as is our study of the provinces and territories across Canada.

For spelling this week we will be creating a list of words which feature suffixes and prefixes. Once the class has finished brainstorming the words, I will post them on the blog for studying.

Thank you,
Mrs. J.

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